MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) Internal Volcano

Internal Volcano
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Hey! How's everybody doing? :) How has your Christmas holiday been? I guess its about over now >3< bleh!

what a weird title... I based it on the wacky background screentone xD

Seeing that I've been so lazy this holiday, I thought I'd keep active by posting a page that I worked on a long time ago (like in November) before I even started my manga. I figured that I might use it in my manga too, but its kind of just an experiment page. I actually was tryinng to create lots of things here... not only a proper screentone job but also a good uniform and Ayako design xD
Its supposed to be Ayako dealing with her conflicting feelings, seeing she really wants to be bold and outgoing but she's too shy xD
The screentones I used here were from various DA designers. Credit to them!

Dedicated to my very dear friend, Panda!! Thankyou so much for your support!! And also, Panda gave me a very helpful link to a bunch of free screentones which you can find RIGHT HERE on a fun manga site! I haven't used them yet but I will :D Thanks so much again Pandaman!!

MangaKid copyright on art.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
ayako, digital, drawing, girl, manga, MangaKid, pencil, screentones, shoujo, traditional
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25 members Favoritefavorite
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