
Part 2:Re-living the Past

Yesterday, I fell...
into your trap,

Yesterday, you said...
I love you now;

Yesterday, I said...
I love you too;
now, never.


Yesterday, She told me...
Why do you play,
into his game?

Yesterday, I told her...
I don't know why;
it causes me pain.


Before, I was blind.
Now, I am not.
Now, I can fight,
And see what I've sought.

This poem was trying to get the basics of what happened down in rhyming form, along with my thoughts on the matters. When he told me he loved me, I think back and say to myself, "whatever". I told him I loved him, now I think, not now, not ever. My friend asked me ( irritated ), why do you play into his games? Why do you fall into his traps? and the only answer I had for her was...I don't know >.< We both agreed it caused me pain. I was blind before, not seeing what he was doing, or what he's done. but now, i can fight back. see my goal again (to forget and move on)

Please let me know if these stink. This one, I'm not so sure of it's quality. I would appreciate it if you let me know what you think, and what you think could have been better. Thank you


Part 1: Trying to Let Go

I seen you today,
Walking with her,
You looked at me,
and you smiled.

I heard you today,
Speaking to her,
You looked at me,
and you laughed.

I told you today,
when you were alone,
"I want to forget;
to let go."

You told me today,
when we were alone,
"I don't care,
you can go."

This was about how I had told my ex I wanted to forget, to let go, and move on. He told me I can do what ever I want, he don't care. It don't bother him what I choose.

I'm thinking about doing a story type thing, but in poetry. One poem for each part of what my heart thinks. What do you guys think?
