~Promise Me~

Morning arrived and Sousuke was ready to snoop. Since he was not a vampire like his brother or Uncle he could walk around in the sunlight. This made it perfect for him to snoop around in his uncle’s stuff. If anyone knew who took Chiyo…he would know. He walked up the stairs and walked passed an empty room, heading to his Uncle’s office. He froze. That empty room was not empty…and that smell…It was mixed with his Uncle’s, his brother’s and someone else’s….A scent familiar and much sweeter.

He tried to open the door, but it was locked. He looked the door over and transformed one of his hands to have claws. He then picked the lock and opened the door.

“Go away!” a voice yelled at him as he was struck by a pillow.
Sousuke blinked in surprise.
“Chiyo…It’s me Sousuke.”
Chiyo poked her head out from under the covers of her bed.
He nodded.
“Your sisters are worried about you…”
Chiyo closed her eyes.
“Are you here to save me?” she asked.
“I am…but this requires planning. My uncle kidnapped you, correct?”
She nodded.

“I can’t disobey him…But I will try and find out why he wants you…And I will try and find a safe way to get you out.” he said, “Stay tough and play the game. He won’t hurt you unless you disobey him. I will visit you during the day so we can plan…but for now I have to go and investigate while I can. While the vampires sleep then the mortals can play.”
Chiyo nodded.
“How…how is it that your family is made up of vampires…but yet you are not?” Chiyo asked.
Sousuke turned to leave.
“That is none of your business…Be careful I will stop by later…”
Sousuke left, locking the door behind him.
Chiyo sighed frustrated.

Ikuto laid wake in his bed. He was never one for a coffin, unlike his uncle who was a traditionalist. He could not sleep…His mind was filled with questions and thoughts of Chiyo. He wondered why his Uncle was so intent on Ikuto marrying Chiyo and turning her into a vampire. What made Chiyo so special? Sure, she was special to Ikuto…But what made her more special than any other human girl?
Besides…marrying a human turned vampire had been frowned upon ever since that drama with Dracula, Mina and Lucy. So…why? Why would Atsushi want him to marry and turn Chiyo so much?

Ikuto sat up. He needed to take a walk. Before he knew it he ended up in front of Chiyo’s door. He knocked on the door. When he got no response he picked the lock and slipped in.

A small smile appeared on his face when he saw that Chiyo was sleeping. He walked over and knelt beside her bed. He closed his eyes and listened to her slow and even breaths. He opened his eyes when he heard her shiver. He carefully pulled the blankets up to keep her warm. He noticed tears in her eyes, so he wiped them away.

He sighed. What should he do? He did not want to see her suffer. She looked so at peace…Why did she have to suffer? He…he…loved her. He could just stay here all day and watch her sleep…she was so beautiful and kind. He rested his head on her bed so he could see her better.
“I’m sorry…”he whispered.

When Chiyo had woken up she saw him there. Ikuto had fallen asleep. His head was resting on his arms on her bed and the rest of his body was on the floor. His hair was down; Chiyo was surprised at how long it really was. She grinned as she noticed his hair in his face. She gently and carefully brushed the bangs out of his eyes. He stirred a little, but remained asleep.

“Mother…father…”he muttered, “Chiyo…I’m….sorry…”

A tear escaped his eye. Chiyo was taken aback. She wiped away the tear. She was shocked at how upset he was about her situation. She also wondered about his past. What had happened to his parents and what happened to Sousuke? So many questions, but not now…She wanted to ask them on her own terms…when she was free.

She placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. She then slipped out of bed and carefully edged her way over to the door. She turned the knob and to her surprise it opened. She poked her head out the door... Clear. She slipped out and closed the door behind her.

She wandered down the hall. It was such a strange house. It was large with some lights, but all the windows were boarded up. Vampires…made sense…She stopped when she got to two sets of stairs, one went up and the other went down.
She chose to go down stairs, in hopes for an exit. She stopped in the foyer when she heard piano music. It was very pretty…but the front door was right in front of her…

It would not hurt if she just checked really quickly…Chiyo walked towards the sound of music and saw Sousuke playing. She closed her eyes and listened. It was very pretty. When Sousuke finished she backed away slowly so she could make her escape.

She let out a scream when a hand grabbed her shoulder. A hand covered her mouth.