~Promise Me~

Everyone turned to see Erik standing there with a crossbow in his hand.
“She is a Nephilim.”
“A what?” Sousuke asked.
“Nephilim….are half angel and half human…” Atsushi said, “Clara was an angel.”
“Mom?!” Chiyo questioned.
“She was once a powerful angel, but she fell in love with the human that she was supposed to be protecting….”

~years earlier~
Buriel watched Clara as she watched the human she loved. He had always loved her and the betrayal was too much. He snuck up behind her.
“If you love him so much…Why don’t you join him?!” Buriel cried as he swung his sword down.
Clara screamed in pain and plummeted to the earth.

Keisuke popped his head out of the door to his house. He thought he heard a noise. His eyes went wide when he saw a girl collapsed on the ground. Keisuke hurried over and brought her into his house. He nursed her to health and soon he fell very much in love. The two of them got married and gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, named Chiyo.


“Angel blood will make a vampire all powerful,” Erik explained, “But it is too strong by itself. If a vampire were to drink pure angel blood then they would die…Diluted by human blood and then mixed with vampire blood…”

“Would make that vampire unstoppable…”Ikuto said, now understanding.
“That is why he wants Chiyo…” Sousuke said, “He has wanted her from birth, but had to wait until she was older. But then Nii-san ruined it when he made that promise with Chiyo…”
Sousuke looked at Ikuto.

“If you were to turn her…she would die…He would drain her completely…Besides there is a risk…There has only ever been one successful change. Most of the time the Nephilim does not survive. The angel blood treats the vampire blood as an invader and starts to attack it, but the vampire blood will be attacking the human part of the blood. It is a fight to see which blood attacks faster. If the angel blood wins then the Nephilim will die.”

Ikuto spun to look at his uncle.
“Let her go…I will not change her for you. She’s useless now…”
Atsushi held up the vial that he had taken from his pocket earlier.
“I’ve planned ahead…my dear nephew,” Atsushi said.
Ikuto’s eyes went wide.
“When did you?!” he asked.
“While you slept….I could not risk my plans being ruined again. All Chiyo has to do is drink this and my plans will be complete. I’ve worked too hard to stop now. Your parents betrayed me and now no one will stand in my way!” Atsushi said, uncapping the vial.

“Betrayed?!” Sousuke questioned.
“Your parents…Mikoto and Fugaku were working for the Hunters.” Erik explained, “ Atsushii murdered them and then paid a werewolf to attack Sousuke…”
Sousuke’s eyes flashed with anger.
“YOU?! You caused me all this pain?! ALL this suffering?!” he growled.
“He had to…In order to get close to Ikuto and eventually Chiyo…” Erik said.
“A small price to get what I truly desire…” Atsushi said.

He pressed the open vial to Chiyo’s lips. She shut them tight and turned her head. He grabbed her face and pressed harder. She closed her eyes and tried to fight back, but he was too strong.

Atsushi scowled this was getting them nowhere and he was running out of time, soon the bite would lose its effect. He poured the contents of the vial into his mouth and pressed his lips against Chiyo’s. She tried to pull away and kept her mouth tightly shut. He bit down hard on her lower lip, which reflexively made her open her mouth. He then tilted her entire head backwards. Chiyo struggled and hit him as she felt the fluid go down her throat. He forced her to swallow and then pulled away. Chiyo smacked him.