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Comic Soon!

Finally getting a new computer, it's coming in Monday or Tuesday <3 I just got a new set of pens to use for inking(I'm in love with my brush pen), but digital inking makes me feel less scared of mistakes. Same thing with colouring.

Finished another page of the comic yesterday, planning on 2 more today. That is all.

G33K!! Chapter 1 Script Completed!!

It's 5:22am and I finally got the inspiration to finish the written draft of the first chapter of my comic. Longer than my goal of 16 pages, really it's more like 25 pages, but I was able to fit in a quick introductory battle. I like it. Hopefully you will too. The goal is to have at least 3 chapters completed by the end of Summer, hopefully leaving me time to print and bind them.

I'm tired and I'm going to sleep now. Tomorrow I'll finish the storyboarding(with stick figures and notes from the script). I'm so happy this is finally started, the first chapter is always the hardest! Nighty night.


Feature link: How I Plan and Make Comics--The Original Doujinshi-Making Process

Do I have enough tape?

Tue Sep 29, 2009, 9:44 PM

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: A tutorial on the chain rule (AP Calc)

I have to tape the pages of my sketchbook because I found out in class today that they're perforated(so I had to tape over the lines so that they wouldn't fall out of my book in the future). I have a month to do the Summer project(18 pages in my sketchbook on a theme; mine is my unique 90s childhood). It's fun so far--I'm excited to start the project. I have 4 pages due on an artist related to my theme due Monday and a reference photograph of me relating to my theme due Thursday.

My dad learned how to make okonimiyaki--I'm excited. I took one to Jesus school so that I could eat, since I went from practice, to home for 15minutes, then to Jesus school. I asked the lady if I could eat; she said no, so about 5minutes later I just walked out with my stuff and ate outside...NOBODY GETS BETWEEN ME AND MY FOOD D=<

Happy anniversary-ish Mo and Cal!!! <3 Now if only I had a love live =3

Anyway, back to studying so I can start my AP 2D STUDIO ART homework XD *I'm getting too excited*

I need sleep.


Line Art

Thu Aug 6, 2009, 1:48 PM

* Mood: Dazed
* Listening to: "Torn"-Natalie Imbruglia
* Eating: Vanilla yogurt with chocolate syrup

Been doing line art since last night, I'm on page 4's now. I'm killing myself because I left parts blank during the draft, so while I'm darkening the lines so I can see them easier on the light table, I'm also filling in the blank and incomplete panels. On the bright side, it's going faster than I expected.

I just wish I wasn't such a night person sometimes. Night, like 9pm and onward, are my working hours--so I never get sufficient sleep during school if I want to do well in my classes. Unless I'm in a classroom, I can't concentrate at all(but even in a classroom my mind tends to wander).

How do you guys get yourselves to work? I mean, it's kind of ridiculous if I can't bring myself to work on something I LIKE to do...


I've been having some strange dreams lately...

Thu Jul 23, 2009, 11:42 PM

* Mood: Lonely
* Listening to: "Never Let You Go"-Third Eye Blind

When I was at Minto's house not too long ago, I had a very...weird dream:

I was attending some kind of potluck thing at a log cabin(more like mansion) with all these people I apparently knew. Then a nice old black guy with a sweatervest said that we should go to the movies sometime at Cityplace and I said it sounded like fun. At this point I woke up cuz Minto kicked me in the face. I fell back asleep and I was at "Cityplace"(quotation marks are used because it definitely didn't look like the Cityplace I know and love) with my "twin" that looked nothing like me. We were talkingto a police officer and he said people under 18 couldn't go to the movie theatre because there's a club going on--here, I looked over to the movie theatre and there's a roped off square of people dancing to some music and you can see kids dressed like they came from Hogwarts(the movie just came out the day I had the dream) behind them; the club was blocking the entrance. I explained to him that we weren't there to see the movie but to go to the barber shop located in front of all the action. He gave us permission to go.

We got to the "barbershop"(it was more like a display window for a really fancy dress store with a door and a swirly blue/red/white sign in front) and there was a sign hanging on the door that said it was closed and the lights were off. So, my twin and I sat and waited outside the door while I felt bad about not going to the movies with that black guy. Then this man with a really weird accent dragging a rolling suitcase yells at us to open the door, which we did. He ran in and sat himself in the back corner of the place and told us to close it behind us, which we did. "Are the orthodontists here yet?"--he looked scared shitless. We said no and my twin got in the barber chair and the two started to chat. He asked me if the orthodontists were here; I looked at the door and said no. He asked if I was sure and looked again--there were two tall men wearing black suits(one with sunglasses and a hat and the other had a tall flat heat(like Frankenstein's monster). They opened the door and the barber just started screaming like crazy. The "orthodontist" with the hat went out of my field of vision over to the barber and the other one bent over me(I was sitting on the floor), turned into a furry, turned back, and as I screamed no he "raped me"(I knew he was raping me, but as soon as I screamed no and his face was too close, it turned black). When the scene faded back in we were all back at the cabin with a lake in the background and we were all eating bbq that the furry/orthodontist/rapist made and some people were missing parts of their head. End of that dream (o_o)"

The most recent one I had was this:

I was accepted into this high-class boarding school. I got there with a whole group of girls plus 1 boy who had a loveable and timid little brother personality. We entered and you could look up and see a taaaaaaaaaaaall ceiling and at every floor there was railing. We went into a room and the headmistress said we were all to sleep in our assigned mattress only(the whole floor was covered in mattresses). I found mine and discovered that there was one free mattress in between me and another girl's. I asked her what would happen if I rolled over in my sleep and found myself on the next mattress; she said that as soon as I woke up to return to my original mattress before she finds out. We were all magically in out nightgowns and we slept.

The scene switched to what I guess was free time and I was wandering around the hallway and looking down at the empty floor below. Then I see my cat pass by on that floor; I somehow managed to reach the floor(poof XD) and I picked her up--I couldn't see her but I saw me eating with a fork and a knife and the food looked like chicken with fur. Then I see that my cat was put in a bento box with her head and tail hanging out and her legs were missing. I started crying and then I woke up. Naturally, I went to check my cat was still there.

..........As you can see, I have very strange dreams. These aren't at the top of the list, just the most recent.