Please call me izioy =] i enjoy talking about anything and everything so post comments and i'll do my best to return the favor =].
I love many things and i'm pretty chatty... i'll speak about my life and the boredom that keeps me writing =]! enjoy my page thankyou
- Created By izioy7
Furry chibi
well for the third time i'm rewriting this post,okay this post is named after my best friend in the entire world, she told me to shorten this post because i informed her about how it was, 7 paragraphs long,and you know what else she tells me that even if its about her she has the attention span of a fly so i should not make it that long, ughh whatever then
my bestfriend since fourth grade
one of the most amazing people in my life
the most childish too but in a good way
in the way where she spends her time enjoying being young
enjoying the ability to just be around and have fun
most would think its a silly thing to be as carefree as she is but its not a bad thing at all
its a really good thing because we should be enjoying every moment of our youth and our life simply because we'll never get any part of it back no moment gets recycled simply gets sealed away as a memory so she might as well have good ones
my friend furrychibi is seriously a great person who knows me so well whether she knows how to say it or not
i know i cant go without talking to her for longer then a week or i'll go insane
i mean we made a bet before last year during the month of december i thought that she couldnt go for longer then 3 days without talking to me but it was i who couldnt go for so long without talking to her
i mean she talked to me the last week before break only because i begged shadow prince to beg her to talk to me because i already lost the bet simply because i couldnt handle not talking to her
this morning furry chibi had made me realize how much of a good friend she really is to me because without knowing it she always does the best thing for me
i mean she was supposed to give me these peanut m&m's this morning and i was going to be sooooo happy because its my favorite chocolate in the entire world
but since i have a long blood line of diabetes and i have a 90% chance of getting it sadly i havent been checked out in a while and one of the symptoms of diabetes is extreme thirst and well this morning i was waiting for those m&ms
furry chibi comes down that hallway from the cafeteria because she just got her breakfast
she sits down next to me and says "i decided i was not going to be one of the reasons you get diabetes so i'm not going to give you the m&ms instead i brought you cake, i got it from the chinese store"
okay ?HUH? you wont give me m&ms but you'll give me cake??? seriously ?? well
the fact that it came from the chinese store makes it obviously healthy
so i toke it and i was fine with it
and i was still thirsty but furry chibi didnt even know
and she offered me her juice box !
seriously how could i possibly ask for a better friend
furry chibi is the only friend thats been there for me at all moments that i've needed someone at all ALWAYS
whether she knew it or not i could never have a friend as good as her
Forever and Ever Furry Chibi will be the friend that could never be replaced
hi =]
well yes amazing hello
i dont really know why but my life it seems so different
i'm not sure what i mean by different
it just is
everything just doesnt look the same
as though i miss everything the way it was
but i love the way it is
i'm really not sure which way it actually is
but somehow at some point soon it'll be perfect
so weird but i have a slight plan
but i dont
i feel so confused
but totally okay with it
my confusion i mean
it's different like i'm looking through this glass just waiting for my dream to become true
for my dream to break the glass and become reality
i really dont know why but my dream
it doesnt seem as far away as it had seemed before like
even though this life keeps getting tougher it just makes it more worththe effort
that sounds weird to make something tough worth the time
like i know that somehow out of all this bad that happen
a whole bunch of good will just shoot out of somewhere
out of the darkest tunnel or the saddest tear
the most beautiful things will grow
i'll just need to find the light to make them shine
i feel silly talking like a lunatic
but to be honest its the most sane i feel
like i'm happy with myself at the moment
even though i think i'm dying because i have this
allergic reaction to something that no ones figured out yet
but the reaction just keeps spreading as the days continue
okay like insanely i have all these bumps on my neck spreading to my face
and shoulders
and then in certain spots on my tummy
and then on my legs and arms
seriously i might die if we dont figure out what it is
but of course no ones freaking out but me
maybe deep in my subconsciense i'm thinking that this disgusting scaley layer of skin that is being created by these bumps will just shed
and i'll be left with something beautifull
but that only happens in dreams
i know i'm not lucky enough to even have that occur to me seriously
but whatever
and well
today i was a little lost in my morning but somehow after i stopped freaking out
everything just shot right around and magically everything became better
i'm happy really
soul, well he has a body thats stolen him but
that doesnt make the ability to be friends unavailable
and i dont really know how i'm to approach him
its not like i have no idea who he is
i know so much
but i dont really know anything on how he feels about me so
i suppose only fate could place us together as friends or lovers or nothing
its all up to fate
so i can seriously only hope
so i totally love this totally awsome person
who had refused to inform people of the magical thing called her birthday so with all my love i dedicate today's post for HER
and the fact that on the private happy birthday card/message i sent her it wouldnt allow me to add this totally adorable picture i wanted to send her
yea i totally want to inform the world that today is the day i dedicate my obsession with the anime and manga FRUITS BASKET is for her (even though it has nothing to do with her i'll make it totally all about her in every way possible
so yes to VIRTUAL RUM i dedicate this obsessive love =]
okay so i have dedicated the past three days i say to totally watching all the fruits basket episodes because i've always known the stories always knew the beginning but never owned the first volumes or have read them or seen the first episodes or any so i watched all of the series
which i have to say i really do enjoy the manga over it because
the series is unfinished the manga still goes
introduces you to all the zodiac members and well its sooooooo amazingly great
and i have to say that i do love the series and the way everything was played out but only because it was all new to me since i never really knew how it even started out to be honest i'm glad i watched it seriously its amazing and if virtual rum hasnt already i sujest that she does b/c its an amazing anime totally !
i love FRUITS BASKET & VIRTUAL RUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soul mate
is it possible to have the worst timing in the world
to have missed the perfect chance and reinact the chance with out it actually being the right time with out it actually being the right time
i dont know anymore
like i kept searching and looking and finally i give up saying just throw him at me why dontchu
but i really didnt expect this at all
i could look and search and try to find and just wish and wish but nothing would come true
and i was so close to him so right beside him so near him
so in touch with him
i practically kept talking and rambling on to him like an absolute retard
like jez izioy just shut your trap
but he kinda looked at me like in that fairytale way where its like DAM
and i wish that it wasnt just me
but for the most part it normally always is just me
but hes just so
like yea my edward was so amazing
so my infatuation
but it would've been so impossible to be together
and well
this one this
soul shall we call him
was so perfect
so many perfect traits, like well he's cute in general
he likes F.R.I.E.N.D.S and most people either have never watched the show or dont like it
COMEON its amazing and i'm obsessed and so is he
and movies
as you probably already know since i have an entire blog on it i'm obsessed with movies
he is too and like i could probably talk to him about movies for hours
he plays football which i think is a plus i like football (yea i know i'm a girl)
ahhhh hes just that perfect soul
except thats it he is perfect
and just because he is
for some reason i have to be punished with the sadness of not being able to be with him or able to talk to him
because he already has a someone for himself
and i wish this wasnt so but in all cases it is
which means i'll never have that simple happiness
to have him i only wish i had
well forever i shall wish for soul
only b/c thats how i am i wait patiently and sometimes wait in mourning
and the only thing i have to wonder is that well his friends say that he could do better and to me
well am i good enough to be "doing better"
hello world how do you do ?
i'm pretty good at the moment!
hmm.... socializing again i suppose it feels good lmao !
well my weekend was actually a lot of fun
one of my close friends actually invited me to go with her to this musical at her cousins high school !
gosh i dont know why but it was the most entertaining show i've seen, i liked it to the extreme!! and the first opening song is totally stuck in my head!
but i had so much fun saturday night!
okay so what sucks?
answer: a vacumm!
i had to shower alll weekend long with freezing cold water!
soo soo sad waking up a six o'clock in the morning just to shower in the cold with the cold
so the above would be the correct answer
anyway sunday! i had slept for a really long time
Can you believe for the first time ever i stayed asleep untill 2:00 pm
well do you wana know why?? ----> because all night long untill 10:00 am i had nightmares!
i wouldnt even be able to explain them to you but i did i had such sad and cold nightmares so i slept real long!
then when i woke up we went to the board walk to feel the fresh air of the ocean! then to pathmark to buy groceries!
later return home -->then KFC ---> back home --> to couch ->eat and watch movies!!!! so that was my sunday, i returned to my bed but i'm not quite sure i slept at all last night but i'm pretty tired right now
i'm doing the lights for my high school musical and i'm pretty reeled up about it
i finally have something to do in the show that matters! lmao
well enjoy your nights and mornings!