Please call me izioy =] i enjoy talking about anything and everything so post comments and i'll do my best to return the favor =].
I love many things and i'm pretty chatty... i'll speak about my life and the boredom that keeps me writing =]! enjoy my page thankyou
- Created By izioy7
Emotion Test Don't Cheat
1. Which color is better red, black, green, blue, or yellow?
2. What's your first initial?
3. What month is your birthday?
4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
5. Name one of your friends.
Furry Chibi
6. Pick a number 1-100?
7. Would you like to fly or drive more?
8. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
9. Think of a wish, but don't write it.
If you chose:
Red: You are alert and your life is full of love.
Black: You are conservative and aggressive.
Green: Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
Blue: You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love and give good advice to those who are down.
Yellow - You are a very happy person.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
If you're initial is:
A-K: You have a lot of love and friendships in your life.
L-R: You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
S-Z: You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
If you were born in:
Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will last forever.
July-Sept: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.Oct-Dec: Your love life will be great, and eventually you will find your soul mate.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
If you chose:
Black: Your life will take you on a different direction, it will seem hard at times but it will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it._ ______________ ______________ ___
This person is your best friend.
.well I'd most definetly hope so.
__ _______________ ______________ _
If it is 1-50 you are a very lovable person and you have a great life
More than 50 screw the world.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
If you chose:
Flying - You like adventure.
Driving - You are a laid back person.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
If you chose:
Lake - You are loyal to your friends, your lover, and yourself. You are very reserved but emotional.
Ocean - You are spontaneous and like to please people sometimes.
_ ______________ ______________ ___
This wish will come true only if you repost this with the title:
Emotion Test Don't Cheat
well idk
okay so its a little bit sad
because i cant think of anything i really feel like writing
well actually to be honest
the one thing i'd have to actually talk about would be about
my new family the one that i had visited in virginia a few weeks ago
and my already family which was my step brother and sister
who i spent the week with and who i miss because they only stayed for the week
ughh i dont even know what i want to say
i wish they could just stay here forever live with us
and just stay with us in our home rather then their moms
its not because i hate their mom or anything like that but
they're better off with us
and i dont know whats been up with me at all lately
i feel like such a female dog
i keep feeling like i'm acting so selfish and its so strange because i am in an unintentional way and its like i cant stop it yet everyone's hurt by it
so what in the world am i supposed to do? analyze everything i do i dont want to live like that because that isnt living its dying because you have to watch everything they do
ughh i feel so frustrtated inside
like my step-dad says that i'm trapped between becoming an adult and wanting to stay a child
simply because thats just it how are you supposed to pick theres no specific age where someone says "hey be an adult your done being a child"
and its like i never really was like a child, not for long at least
i had the 2 years where all i cared about was myself and no one else
then after that i woke up and was like this life isnt about me this is about everyone and everything that wasnt me! so then i stopped my stupid selfish actions
and now its like am i allowed to be a little selfish or what and i get lectured for anything i do thats selfish, no correction not anything EVERYTHING
the smallest thing the simplest things, accusing my brother of something he really is at fault for, for asking my step sister to get off the computer because i stayed home to be with them and they left me to go on the computer,
for being aggravated that everyone else was trying to take control of my project, for chosing to not finish watching a movie and wanting to go to bed early and having the kids leave my step-father who they're actually there to see(i didnt even notice i was doing that),
for everything i do i'm the worst person in the world now because i dont know what the hell to do at this point
i dont know what i'm supposed to do
i dont know what would help me and please everyone else
i dont know what would help my career start and what i'm going to do with my life
i dont know what i'm supposed to do
everyone thinks that its their job to control me but its not
its like i have no control over anything i do and when i take control i'm wrong
like everything i do is wrong
i guess it is because it hurts everyone else
i guess it is wrong because everyone else isnt pleased
i guess it is wrong because my idea of right is everyone else's idea of wrong
i guess everything i am is wrong so what the hell am i supposed to do
what the hell am i going to do to make everyone else pleased
if what i do affects everyone else then why dont they stop paying attention stop caring stop looking at my face and notice sadness or dislike
just stop and how would i affect something that never notices me? how would it affect something that didnt even know i existed?
they think i'm doing something selfish but i'm not they're making it out to be because they care, so they should just stop because i dont think about myself first off for most things so i hate being told it was selfish
this life isnt mine so i might as well not care, just stop, not do anything, maybe then everyone will be happy because its over its stupid i dont need to do anything when it hurts everyone
hi =]
well yes amazing hello
i dont really know why but my life it seems so different
i'm not sure what i mean by different
it just is
everything just doesnt look the same
as though i miss everything the way it was
but i love the way it is
i'm really not sure which way it actually is
but somehow at some point soon it'll be perfect
so weird but i have a slight plan
but i dont
i feel so confused
but totally okay with it
my confusion i mean
it's different like i'm looking through this glass just waiting for my dream to become true
for my dream to break the glass and become reality
i really dont know why but my dream
it doesnt seem as far away as it had seemed before like
even though this life keeps getting tougher it just makes it more worththe effort
that sounds weird to make something tough worth the time
like i know that somehow out of all this bad that happen
a whole bunch of good will just shoot out of somewhere
out of the darkest tunnel or the saddest tear
the most beautiful things will grow
i'll just need to find the light to make them shine
i feel silly talking like a lunatic
but to be honest its the most sane i feel
like i'm happy with myself at the moment
even though i think i'm dying because i have this
allergic reaction to something that no ones figured out yet
but the reaction just keeps spreading as the days continue
okay like insanely i have all these bumps on my neck spreading to my face
and shoulders
and then in certain spots on my tummy
and then on my legs and arms
seriously i might die if we dont figure out what it is
but of course no ones freaking out but me
maybe deep in my subconsciense i'm thinking that this disgusting scaley layer of skin that is being created by these bumps will just shed
and i'll be left with something beautifull
but that only happens in dreams
i know i'm not lucky enough to even have that occur to me seriously
but whatever
and well
today i was a little lost in my morning but somehow after i stopped freaking out
everything just shot right around and magically everything became better
i'm happy really
soul, well he has a body thats stolen him but
that doesnt make the ability to be friends unavailable
and i dont really know how i'm to approach him
its not like i have no idea who he is
i know so much
but i dont really know anything on how he feels about me so
i suppose only fate could place us together as friends or lovers or nothing
its all up to fate
so i can seriously only hope
well hello
okay so this friday hasn't been so bad to be perfectly honest
but its been weird
could've totally been better
i got to school late
i forgot i had a weekly assignment due
i had this total bebini(b-i-o-t-c-h) take something i wanted to do away from me, i wanted to read the questions during science for our homework so i wouldnt actually have to answer them so i asked and my teacher likes me so he said that was fine but the total bebini was like "i wana do the questions its not fair she goes all the time and i've never ever read before" okay whatever he knew i only went once before and then hes like "well she's reading" and then shes like "nahh she dont care , she'll let me read" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i said nothing of the sort WHAT THE HELL i wanted to bash her face in so hard, but no i'm too stupid and nice to do anything of the sort and i just said "whatever it doesnt bother me at all" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh, yes yes yes yes it soooooo bothered me like there was no tomorrow !!! I left that class feeling like crap because i hate that girl b/c shes so abnoxious and NOT smart and a total cheat !
ohkay continuing on my day i been on my total game for my u.s. history class so that was fine, i enjoyed that class
um... the next class was not that eventfull ... the class after that i had a sub which was one of my favorite art teachers, and she wants me in a lot of her classes but my schedule is not really allowing that at the moment w/e and i had a conversation with her about my future and what i wanted to do so it was interesting but a little strange because when i told her my plan i kinda made it seem like my dream was the last thing on my list and she told me to make that my first thing, but truth be told my dreams are the entire plan!
so she told me i'd have to narrow it down because then i wont be able to reach my dreams , but everything about this is my dreams its not like i wont be drawing or writing because i'm in school or because i have a job
journalism is writing
i like learning about law
i have weekends i could draw and paint
i have books that let me unwind
everything about my future is my dream so theres no point in saying its the last thing on my list , i'd be living the life i've always wanted if my plan goes well, i mean i know my life wont be exactly as planed because you cant tell the future but they're just guidelines
i saw watchmen ! check criticism blog to find out what i thought, i'm not sure if i'll write it out right now so maybe later on !
well i havent writin in a while well what feels like a while but it was only 5 days ago ANywho
i'm actually pretty bored right now
just recently i wrote some lyrics that happen to be awsome
i dont really have my own personal band to be honest
i know some of my friends who have a band put together but they dont really do anything serious and well they dont have a lead singer
i would NEVER brag about my singing talent because i dont think its much
but i'm i suppose decent i guess
and i'm really good at writing so if they find a better singer i could be their liricist ! =]
i'd love that i think its pretty awsome
to be honest i love this whole idea of the band and if anything
making it really totally work
it would be on its own totally
i love the group and all the guys in it their extreamly talented i believe
if they put their total heart and soul into it they could make something so amazing not one person alone could handle it
we'd spread like the everyday necessity of food and nutrition
it could just be so big
i have a lot of dreams and talents to get myself there
but unfortunately i know what my future is and the outcomes that could really happen
ughhhh i dont know what to do
i really hope this band thing actually does fully workout but
i really hope that i can still have time to make my real future happen
and let my dreams be there to push me toward my goal
like a dream