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Degree in Comics--WHAT?!!

Sat Nov 21, 2009, 8:16 AM

* Mood: Eager
* Listening to: the keys stick together as i pound on the keyboard

I've been up since 7am, don't ask me why 'cuz i dunno either--it's Saturday DX. A msg to Mo, Cal, and Sandro--dad has my laptop and my phone, so there's no use trying to contact me this weekend; I'm using his computer while mom and dad are out flea-marketing...his keyboard is disgusting...the control key is stuck down from something caught in between the keys and the down arrow key is just stuck...and ther's coffe stains everywhere and ew I'm just gonna stop talking about it.

Anyway, I was in art class yesterday and Kevin and I were going through these books from art colleges. I happened to stumble upon a college I've never heard of--SCAD--Savannah something...ANYWHO I happened to stumble across some photos of people getting their comic on in the section called SEQUENTIAL ARTS. I was like "what?" and actually read the whole section, which most people don't do because they're browsing just to look at pictures or to waste time. I got really excited and started talking to Maria about it and she said "go for it" so I went home and jumped on the computer to "research" (actually, it was around 8 when i finally got on the computer since he took my shite last night right when we got home at 6) what colleges offered far, I've only found SCAD appealing =(

The field of sequential art encompasses graphic novels, comic books, comic strips, children’s books and storyboards for animation and film. Sequential artists combine words and pictures to form entertaining and effective narratives.

That's from the SCAD website.

I'M SO FREAKING EXCITED. I didn't know this existed!! I know I'm gonna major in art, but really? Comics?? What do you guys think? And for those of you in college already--help me! I'm already a junior! >_<


End of a Social Experiment

Thu Nov 5, 2009, 9:42 PM

* Mood: Content
* Listening to: "Jump on the Fizzy"--Aaron Carter

So back in the summertime one of my best girl friends and I decided to compete against each other for the title of Homecoming Princess this year--a jock against a geek, ya know? I considered it kind of like "well, let's see if a geek can really win against a jock in a high school popularity test"; geek takes all and etc. Well, I won. About 75% of me is like "Okay, now what" and the other 25% is like "holy shit, I'm popular".

ANYWAY--My dad stepped on my laptop, so I can only use HALF OF MY SCREEN =( It's a pain to check mail. My brother was passing by and started cracking up because he found it sad and amusing that I'm using the top half of my screen. I can't minimize my windows because I can't see the bottom of the darned things *dammit Mac*...

Loving my AP Art class still--I'm having some friends come over Saturday to help me take some reference photos; my theme is "nostalgia" so I need some nostalgic moments =3

I'mma go--just updating on my a girl. This was the girliest week of my life XD


Just Another Slap in the Face

Sun Nov 1, 2009, 2:44 PM

* Mood: Vengeful

"Grow up." I hate that phrase. I find it ironic that when i finally get to make a decision that can really affect my life, I can't choose between limitless options. I just can't. It's like throwing a toddler that just learned how to walk into a marathon. It's pathetic--I'M pathetic. I lack motivation to do anything, and I know I can do it. I'm just too fucking lazy. I'm letting an inferiority complex get the best of me, I actually start expecting other people to help, when in the end it all comes down to what I think, and what I think alone, and what I do about it. And what I think just doesn't seem to click with what I know is the right thing to do. I'm a stupid little teenager that knows what to do and chooses not to do it. And why? Just because I'm lazy. It doesn't interest me at all. And I don't want to think that I'm one of those "regular" kids, when I might truly be one. A mediocre stereotypical 16 year old girl. Gross.

I don't go for education. I go for the experience. Probably the only motivation for even graduating and going to college is so that I can experience it all. Yeah, I appreciate what I learned along the way--but it doesn't interest me. Nothing interests me. My grades suffer because I'm a selfish brat and when I do try my best it doesn't even show. Probably the only way I can get better at something is to compete--but what good will it do if that person doesn't know that we're competing?

The only respect I receive is when I draw something, and even then it lasts a maximum of maybe 10 minutes. Drawing. That's all I can do. No matter how much I improve, it's not something my parents will be proud of. My friends would just look at it, have a few comments, then forget about it in the next 5 minutes. It's just something to amuse myself with.

I need to turn my life around. I'll show you. Being lazy may be something I can fix. Just watch. Fuck you, Calvin. Never compare me and that kid.


Sat Oct 10, 2009, 5:07 PM

* Mood: Regretful
* Listening to: "Slow Me Down"-Emmy Rossum

I'm lacking motivation again. Gotta do my homework, gotta clean my room...but I can't do any of that anymore. Today is kinda iffy right now. I just hope tonight will be better; my friends are having a concert around 7 and maybe I'll get a cupcake from another friend of mine while I'm there. I could use it.

AP Art is fantastic--so fun--I wanna draw all the freakin' time; but of course, I'm lacking motivation even though the stuff we do is fantastic.

Somebody convince me to change things up so my mood will improve =/

I need a new video game to occupy myself--Scribblenauts is amazing; you guys should pick it up sometime.


My Brother is my Subject

Mon Oct 5, 2009, 2:31 AM

* Mood: Tired
* Listening to: "Anthem Part II"-Blink-182

I'm doing an assignment for my AP Art class--i have to fill 4 pages in my sketchbook on an artist relating to my theme("How my childhood affected how I am today"), and since my brother was the main artist in my childhood, I'm using him for my homework =D I don't have a scanner and printer at the moment, and it's due tomorrow, so as we speak he's drawing his signature eye for me in my sketchbook(he'll sign it so that the teacher knows i didn't copy what he did, since i'm doing it on HIS work, not mine).

The first page is a portrait I did of him, and it turned out better than I expected. I'll try to scan it in tomorrow so you guys can see =3

Went to the beach today with Cal, Sandro, Mo, and Michael--very fun. Do you remember Superman ice cream? The multicoloured vanilla ice cream? Sandro got me a cone of it--sooooo good <3 Yay childhood memories.

Ok, back to work!!


PS--Prolly not gonna sleep tonight, since I'm still far from being done with this =( WHY DID I HAVE TO FORGET ABOUT THIS ASSIGNMENT?! DX