itemilicious (Fan Art Portfolio) taking a break

taking a break
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Hanabusa01 inspired me to draw pokemon >w<!
based on this doodlies i drew few days ago♥♥
i haven't done bg drawing in months =w="
anyways, her's my oc trainer~
here's her bio:
Name: Lacie
Hometown: Eterna City (Sinnoh Region)
Hair color: Goldish yellow
Eye color: Green
Age: 14-15
Personality: Adventurous, loves food, independent, shy at first but she's talkative once you know her.

Lacie loves travelling different regions, that's why she have a variety of pokemons. i suck at giving OC history OTL

Pokemon team:

Piplup: -Naive nature- he's very nice, even though Buneary always tease him, he never starts a fight. He's been w/ Lacie for a long time, so don't be fool w/ his cute face, he's very unpredictable during battle.

Raichu: -Quirky nature- he's only a pikachu when he met Lacie, but he accidentally found a thunder stone at Mt. Coronet (this is random >.>). He loves playing around w/ Piplup and Buneary. Raichu always side w/ Piplup whenever Buneary is teasing him.

Buneary: -Impish nature- the trouble maker in the group. She loves teasing Piplup and then start a fight, then sulk when everybody sided w/ Piplup. But actually, she thinks Piplup as a little brother and she's superior to him. She loves sleeping on Lacie's lap.

Drifloon: -Timid nature- she's the quiet one. She's very shy and often floats away when meeting new people or pokemon, so Lacie always keeps an eye on her. She loves sun-bathing, she gets along w/ everybody in the team.

Leavanny: -Docile nature- she's very easy to handle, she loves sun bathing w/ Drifloon. She loves eating w/ Lacie. She has a hobby of making dress out of leaves.

Arcanine: -Brave nature- the strongest in the team. Arcanine is given to Lacie by her older brother to accompany her during her journey. He is very intelligent and sharp, he would easily smell danger. He also acts as transportation for Lacie (he's a fast runner *w*).

whew, the longest description i've written so far =W=b
for Bluesen's challenge~ ♥

Pokemon Fan Art
arcanine, buneary, drifloon, Lacie, leavanny, oc, piplup, pokemon, raichu
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