Thank you.
Thank you for being such an amazing person.
Thank you for being so comforting and understanding.
Thank you for being so encouraging and optimistic.
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for making me smile.
Thank you for making me a stronger person.
Thank you for making me a better person.
Thank you for being such an amazing friend.
Thank you.
Thank you for shaking like a little puppy out in the rain when you asked me out.
Thank you for thinking about my feelings.
Thank you for respecting my opinion.
Thank you for the late night talks.
Thank you for listening to me when I told you I was scared of being hurt again.
Thank you for telling me it's okay.
Thank you for giving me confidence.
Thank you for giving me hope.
Thank you for being by my side.
Thank you for helping me like myself more.
Thank you for changing my mind about things I doubted.
Thank you for being so optimistic when things seemed bad.
Thank you for being strong when I was weak.
Thank you for helping me back up when I felt down.
Thank you for all of the wierdness.
Thank you for having just the perfect amount of odd and strange.
Thank you for being a wizard with wizard words.
Thank you for all of the inside jokes like fantestical and the fact that you'd look damn sexy in booty shorts that say "juicy".
Thank you for being absolutely FAAAAABULOUS.
Thank you for looking just like Russell from Up only taller and not Asian.
Thank you for being 6'3", more than a foot taller than me, and more than likely still growing.
Thank you for the hugs.
Thank you for the tears, not of sadness, but of genuine happiness.
Thank you for patching up all of the scars.
Thank you for making the hurt go away.
Thank you for making everything feel like a first.
Thank you for being you.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't I'll ever know.
I've made mistakes in my past.
But this is going to be different.
I'm going to do things right.
No matter what happens and
no matter how this turns out,
So far I have no regrets.
I don't think I ever will.
Everything feels right.
So, thank you for everything.
I've been having the time of my life these past three months,
and it's all you're fault. :)
Don't know if he'll ever see this, but oh well.
Happy Valentine's Day<3