Angel Zakuro (Wallpaper Portfolio) when she smiles.

when she smiles.
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HEY. IT'S A WALLPAPER. Yeah. XD Haven't made one for some time...I figured I'd make one for a change. :) I think I like it. At first I didn't lol. Well, no, I lied. I liked it, then I didn't, and now I do again. XD

This is the original scan. I've had it for ages and just never used it. Sooooo pretty. Even the little bit of boobage. Uhhh so yeah, I had to remove the text first from the scan...and then I just played around with things. :/ At first I was actually just going to keep it the original colors (green/yellow) with a plain white bg, but that was too boring. O: So I added some gradients, warmed it up, added some yellow to the bg...then the text (lyrics from this song). Well, that was the point where I didn't like it! Buuuuut then I added the texture. :D So now I'm happy with it. Haha. I even contemplated submitting it to AP, but they are so darn picky with what is accepted, I just shouldn't bother lol.

Took about 2 hours-ish. I hope you like it~

P.S. I submitted it HERE on AP...yeah, I decided to lol. So if you have an account there, I'd love some comments/faves. :) Thanks~

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absolutely, girl, headphones, ino, music, nine days, smile
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