Please call me izioy =] i enjoy talking about anything and everything so post comments and i'll do my best to return the favor =].
I love many things and i'm pretty chatty... i'll speak about my life and the boredom that keeps me writing =]! enjoy my page thankyou

well hello

okay so this friday hasn't been so bad to be perfectly honest
but its been weird
could've totally been better
i got to school late
i forgot i had a weekly assignment due
i had this total bebini(b-i-o-t-c-h) take something i wanted to do away from me, i wanted to read the questions during science for our homework so i wouldnt actually have to answer them so i asked and my teacher likes me so he said that was fine but the total bebini was like "i wana do the questions its not fair she goes all the time and i've never ever read before" okay whatever he knew i only went once before and then hes like "well she's reading" and then shes like "nahh she dont care , she'll let me read" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
i said nothing of the sort WHAT THE HELL i wanted to bash her face in so hard, but no i'm too stupid and nice to do anything of the sort and i just said "whatever it doesnt bother me at all" UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh, yes yes yes yes it soooooo bothered me like there was no tomorrow !!! I left that class feeling like crap because i hate that girl b/c shes so abnoxious and NOT smart and a total cheat !
ohkay continuing on my day i been on my total game for my u.s. history class so that was fine, i enjoyed that class
um... the next class was not that eventfull ... the class after that i had a sub which was one of my favorite art teachers, and she wants me in a lot of her classes but my schedule is not really allowing that at the moment w/e and i had a conversation with her about my future and what i wanted to do so it was interesting but a little strange because when i told her my plan i kinda made it seem like my dream was the last thing on my list and she told me to make that my first thing, but truth be told my dreams are the entire plan!


  • 4 years of college
  • major in philosophy, minor in journalism
  • have part time journalist job
  • go to law school
  • become a full time layer with journalism as a hobby
  • when everythings steady
  • own an art gallery
  • sell/publish my writing !

so she told me i'd have to narrow it down because then i wont be able to reach my dreams , but everything about this is my dreams its not like i wont be drawing or writing because i'm in school or because i have a job
journalism is writing
i like learning about law
i have weekends i could draw and paint
i have books that let me unwind
everything about my future is my dream so theres no point in saying its the last thing on my list , i'd be living the life i've always wanted if my plan goes well, i mean i know my life wont be exactly as planed because you cant tell the future but they're just guidelines


i saw watchmen ! check criticism blog to find out what i thought, i'm not sure if i'll write it out right now so maybe later on !


well i havent writin in a while well what feels like a while but it was only 5 days ago ANywho

i'm actually pretty bored right now
just recently i wrote some lyrics that happen to be awsome
i dont really have my own personal band to be honest
i know some of my friends who have a band put together but they dont really do anything serious and well they dont have a lead singer
i would NEVER brag about my singing talent because i dont think its much
but i'm i suppose decent i guess
and i'm really good at writing so if they find a better singer i could be their liricist ! =]
i'd love that i think its pretty awsome
to be honest i love this whole idea of the band and if anything
making it really totally work
it would be on its own totally
i love the group and all the guys in it their extreamly talented i believe
if they put their total heart and soul into it they could make something so amazing not one person alone could handle it
we'd spread like the everyday necessity of food and nutrition
it could just be so big
i have a lot of dreams and talents to get myself there
but unfortunately i know what my future is and the outcomes that could really happen

ughhhh i dont know what to do
i really hope this band thing actually does fully workout but
i really hope that i can still have time to make my real future happen
and let my dreams be there to push me toward my goal

like a dream


so todays FRIDAY
okay so i might as well be jumping off the walls happy because i want to sleep or stay up late and not have to worry about getting up extra early to do homework
NOTTTTTT part of my happiness is
well that its a total unhappiness
like i mentioned before that my step-siblings are here

welll i love them like mad
and well i have been spending a lot of time with them but sadly i dont even have tomorrow with them
and i wont see them for another month and two weeks


well they'll leave and my life will return to being an obliterating NOTHING that i was before only with the sadness of my Grandmother being in the state that shes in right at this moment so upsetting

but now the one time i have this brilliant light of happiness totally surrounding me for the past week, the light will disappear and once more
i will be thrown into the darkness of nothing

its my step brother and sister and i love them because they're the most annoyingly adorably adoring people ever and i love being their sister
so this upsets me like a mother losing her children


whatever !

i've had no magical experiences for a while and it seems like this years going to suck

so i finally figured out that there are only so little amount of people in the world that truly are good people, the people that will be themselves at all instinses not caring what type of group they're surrounded by

and MOST of the people i know and the people i'm surrounded by are totally bad
okay so whatever it sounds corny if you say "that guys bad because he drinks at parties" but still it counts because people in this world that know they're not supposed to do something and they do it anyway are bad people and people that drink at parties while they're underage are just posers that dont really know what life really is and they just see everything as in they have to do this to fit in but truth is you dont because people like the people that stand out and are themselves because its the person they can look at and see that they're just fine giving them the example of being a person on your own

everyone wants to be someone !
the people that try fitting in and think they're someone they're actually noone
because they're IN the GROUP not as an individual but as a cell in an organ

BE SOMEONE ---> someone = my FRIEND
furry chibi especially is =]

hating to see people stabbing my mom in the back at work pisses me off too
i mean seriously i feel like i've been pulling myself away from people
but the thing is i'm totally not!
i'm just stopping
stopping from the foolish falseness of everyone i dont want to be dragged into a false world that wont take me anywhere but down

well yea thats how i feel thankyou for litsening =]


i spent the past week with my grandma
she had been extrememly nice
but today i spent my entire hours in a car to maine to pick up the kids (my step brother and sister) and back !
okay okay so i used to hate my siblings because i didnt really care and wanted to stay just me and my older brother but
whatever i miss them because this is the first time i've seen them since well 8 months ago and then welll i want them soooo much
they're my love
but right now my sister wants to choke me cause she wants to go on
the computer i'll try upodating later =]

happy valentines day!

happy valentines day !
i happen to be extradionarly obsessed with FULL MOON WO SAGASHITE
okay so i finally finished all the mangas EXCEPT for VOLUME 6
please oh please i need this volume
and you know what i like the mangas a CRAP LOAD BETTER then the anime
oh mannnnn i really do
and when i figure out how to put up my pictures on the computer
well you'll see the massive amounts of pictures i've done of full moon
and i havent posted for the length of an ENTIRE WEEK
why? you may ask
well the reason is
i was DYING
yes with this terrible rhino disease and intestinal virus
so yea it was the first time i've actually really experienced SICK
it was so NOT awsome
not even missing school
do you understand how insane i've been going trapped inside of a house for an entire WEEK
i've been dying
and for this following week i'm taking care of my grandma
which i absolutely love with my entire heart because
she has cancer everywhere - a new discovery that tormented me while i died from that horrible disease
well anyway
full moon - full moon xoxo i love you
enjoy your night