aragorn1014 (Fan Art Portfolio) Farewell to Spring

Farewell to Spring
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Theme #39- Flowers

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Hello everyone!! Haha where to start....?

Well, I felt bad for not having posted in such a long time, so I thought it'd only be appropriate that I post a pic that I've been working VERY hard on and was a really huge project of mine.

I drew this about three years ago after KeybladeMewKasa once left a comment on one of my drawings a long time ago on this pic saying "How come no one includes my Kingdom Hearts OCs in any of their big projects?" hahaha so I started on this as a fun little thing of my KH OC along with other peoples' characters!

Thing was, though, after inking it all in excitedly (yes, by hand), my coloring skills at the time were awful and I messed up one of the panels SO badly that I cried and refused to look at it for two years haha.

And then I decided to pick it up again to see if I had improved or not! Part of the lineart had to be retraced via SAI again so I could try again, but I was determined to finish!

The first 7 panels were done over November and December of last year. I finally finished panels 8 and 9 in January and July, respectively. (Also kinda stunned at the improvement happening...)

So yes-- this is dedicated to you, Kasa-chan!

And I wanted to give SUPER special mention to King-san for teaching me his ways!! I couldn't have been able to post this without his help and support! >//< Thank you so much!

KH OC character list/Flower (Left-->Right and Top-->Bottom):

1) Riiya/Made-up flower(lol) - aragorn1014
2) Summer/Made-up flower- khismylife
3) Rika/Cherry blossom- Cherryshock
4) Takari/Daffodil- KeybladeMewKasa
5) Noah/Purple Iris- Kirobug
6) Sakurie/Cream Rose- Fire Fox Sakurie
7) Rei/Maple Leaf- FUNimation
8) Sayoko/Red Rose- RSRKingdomStars
9) Kotori/Calla Lily- Sora Hanaki

Done entirely in Prismacolor colored pencils
Inked in with Staedtler Pigment Liners/Paint Tool SAI
Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 for effects

Enjoy everyone and I hope I didn't disappoint with this one! >__<

Kingdom Hearts Fan Art
aragorn1014, cherryshock, farewell, fire fox sakurie, flowers, funimation, keyblademewkasa, kirobug, kotori, noah, rei, riiya, rika, rsrkingdomstars, sayoko, sora hanaki, spring, summer, takari
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