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I Fail at Onigiri =(

Sun Apr 26, 2009, 7:46 PM

* Mood: Stumped
* Eating: Collapsed onigiri

I'm currently making my 1st bento, but...I suck at rice balls(that's what SHE said-shot-). ANYWAY, I made cute li'l skewers a wee bit bigger than a toothpick with 2 mariccino cherries and 2 small cubes of green apple. Then I cut up some baby carrots and put vegetable sauce in a makeshift to-go packet(Press'n Seal is the shiz). Originally, I was making vegetable sushi instead of onigiri, but I won't have cucumbers or zucchinis until tomorrow. Plus, I didn't make the rice for it and the sticky rice for the onigiri was already in the cooker cuz of dinner. I'm sticking ube in the middle XD.
This bento I'm sharing with Minto cuz she'll just take my lunch anyways =P Love ya, Mo!
Okay the rice should be cool enough by now. G'bye and wish me luck!

Chocolate and Bento

Sun Apr 26, 2009, 3:36 AM

* Mood: Obsessed

All day today, I've had a craving for chocolate(well, technically it's yesterday, but I haven't gone to bed yet...I've been napping all day for some odd reason). I watched the 4th episode of Hayate no Gotoku and it was about Valentine's Day. Then I remembered my failed V-day cake I made for my boyfriend at the time...So then I was compelled to look up Valentine's Chocolate in the culinary section on dA and along with chocolate, there were a bunch of V-day bento lunches. So, I started daydreaming like the lovesick KF I am and now I'm prolly gonna be in a bento-slash-chocolate-making crash course for about a week. And guess who gets to eat all these delicious(?) things-you guessed it! CALVIN, COME ONE DOWN!!! I'M GONNA MAKE YOU NICE AND FAT =D

At least he likes to eat sweet things, and a lot of food...My ex didn't eat as much as Cal, and definitely not as much as me(I still remember my three helpings opposed to his measly 1...seemed like half to me). Since he didn't eat a lot and didn't have much of a sweet tooth, I never really got to make him bento lunches or sweets-he likes anime and the whole 9 yards, so he'd still appreciate it. But I like it when people ask for more of something I made them and I enjoy seeing them smile. I would practically give anything just to see my friends happy. I guess that's why I started doing comics.

At first, I wanted to make a manga because I wanted a manga to exist that was based off of MY life and MY ideas(I'm a pretty selfish person if you haven't noticed). So I started to work on my character around 5th grade. In 7th grade was when I decided to make KaidaFaye's friends a significant part of the story, which is also why I'm not incorporating as much love as there was in the beginning. My friends are the best, and our adventures deserve to be remembered somehow. From the music that is Cal's, to the cuteness that is Monique, the awesomeness that is Steph, and the memories of the 2 guys that helped me define my personality to what it is now. My ex and I are still good friends. Maybe if I'm up to it and over him enough, I'll make him some chocolate and a bento to his liking.

Yeah, I'm one to dwell on good relationships(a good 2 out of 13 but who cares, 2 REAL relationships then). Me dwelling is prolly why Calvin's gonna get so fat that he can't even get through his bathroom door and end up going in his pants. ;D



Sun Apr 19, 2009, 2:15 PM

* Mood: Isolated
* Listening to: "Mother We Just Can't Get Enough"-New Radicals
* Drinking: Chocolate Ensure

I've been thinking about it for a while, now. The root reason why I've been so off is the lack of caffeine. Anyone that knows me personally knows that I'm...addicted? Yeah, I'll go ahead and say addicted since it goes with what I found out. Here are my sympotoms:

-Inability to Concentrate
-Biting at my lips til they bleed

If you've read my past journals(and for those that have known what I'm like a school lately), you've noticed I've been more of a bitch than usual-leading my dad to believe that I have Intermittent Explosive Disorder(IED), which of course is still a slight possibility but I highly doubt it since it's not as frequent as it should be over the past 6 months. I've also had headaches, which is unusual for me. The inability to focus is really nothing new, but Mo and John notice that I've been zoning out a lot more recently and during class I can't pay attention anymore(I can make myself focus, I'm just lazy and it only works at school). Drowsiness and insomnia may sound contradictory, but if you think about it, it works. Drowsiness is just the feeling of being tired and insomnia is the inability to sleep-you can feel tired and not be able to sleep. As for the palpitations...that's the one thing that made me conclude I'm going through some kind of extreme caffeine withdrawal. Biting at my lips, or psuchomotor agitation to sound fancy, is something that's increased with me. Go to here and read up on the overuse of caffeine, here, and here.

And it's obviously true I've been feeling depressed lately, especially with all these things going on in my life. It's all just bad timing. All these combined also explain why I've been abnormally sick lately(except the nosebleeds, those are from the weather). I've also been craving chocolate, which is normal when I haven't had caffeine for a while and I need something to make me somewhat stable. I've been off caffeine for a while and only had a sip or two every couple of days. So, I need to have a separate savings for caffeine stuff-at least til summer. I don't want to deal with this during my AP an IB stuff. I'm gonna go shower now.


PS-I think analyzing my problems in such a way is a habit I got from my older brother

Stuck At Home

Sat Apr 18, 2009, 5:04 PM

* Mood: Unhappy
* Listening to: Kimagura Romantic
* Drinking: Tang

I was supposed to go to the Nexus(a super-cool arcade at the mall) today with a bunch of my friends(guys cuz there aren't enough girls that play video games), but I never got to because (cliche teenager problem) my dad sucks. I told him and at the beginning of the week my plans for today, and he just told me Thursday I could go. Yesterday I was all happy cuz I haven't hung out with friends for a while and I've been down and lonely lately. Today, I got up and started finishing up the chores from yesterday to find someone fixing the computers-which wasn't part of the plan for today(my dad's overprotective and HAS to supervise me when I go out, especially with guys). I told him that Mikey was coming around 2:30 to go to the Nexus with us. He said it'd take about 4hrs to finish. I was a little annoyed cuz that meant they'd be done around 3:30. But I lived and called Mikey and told him I'd call again when he could come over. So, 2 rolls around and I hear my dad say to the guy that if my plan has room, he'd bring the guy to a buffet around 6. Now, I live about 15minutes from the place, and Mikey lives about the same distance from my house. So, 3:30 plus half an hour equals 4:00 by the time we get there. Then we'd have to leave a bit earlier so Mikey's mom could pick him up from our house, so subtract 15 minutes from the 2hrs we'd have to hang out(I only see Mikey on Tuesdays, btw for Jesus School). So, 1hr 45min isn't really enough to hang out on a Saturday; it's barely even a class period. So, I told him I was switching my plans to next weekend, which won't even work since we're picking my mom up from the airport next weekend. Then he got offended by this for some reason and I got really pissed and went off on him about how no matter how early I make my plans like he tells me to(I told him this plan last weekend and made sure he didn't forget over the week) nothing ever goes to my promised plan around him. He's always changing plans to what he wants even though he promises me I could do what I want. This situation's always repeated; always finding a way for me to stay at home. Last year, my friend Missy and I made plans to meet at the mall and my dad said it was okay. Well, when that day came he was out so I told Missy I'd be a bit late(she called asking where I was since I was already there). So, I wait another hour and call dad-he said he'd be home soon. Waited 2hrs and Missy calls to say she's leaving(She's been there 3 or 4hrs alone just walking around). After we hang up, my dad comes home another hour later and asks if I'm ready to go. I said she already left and he said "Oh, that's not very nice" then he goes onto the computer...I can't wait til I'm 18.

Sorry for the complaining, but I really needed to get stuff off my chest.

Anime Moment

Wed Apr 15, 2009, 7:27 PM

* Mood: Happy
* Listening to: "Summer Song"-YUI
* Reading: the TUJ brochure
* Eating: pizza and yogurt...Mm...
* Drinking: grape juice

I'm getting over whatever was making me sick-I can eat again!! 'Cept cuz of the sudden weather changes(gotta love Florida), I've been getting nosebleeds =( (it's normal in December because the blood vessels in my nose are weak or something; hereditary). Awkward that I'm getting them in Spring, though. Actually, yesterday I was laying on the floor(was I napping or dozing?) and my nose started bleeding and I couldn't really get up or else I'd get blood all over the laundry I was supposed to be folding, so I just lied there 'til it stopped a bit-but I couldn't help but think to myself "I look like the male lead in an anime after he has the shit beaten out of him or after he sees the female lead's panies XD" cuz it was like a puddle...gross, but kinda cool at the same time(not that it was blood, but that it reminded me of anime)...gosh, I'm such a geek XD That's okay =3

So, a couple of weeks ago I went and requested for a brochure for Temple University-JAPAN CAMPUS. It's an American campus in Tokyo, Japan. The main campus is in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I find Japan to be more accepting of creative media, which is what I want to get into(developing cartoons or advertising). This is the first video that got me thinking about it. It's kinda old. Then this one just got my attention. Here's a vintage-looking one that's really spiffy.

If you think about it, these involve both psychology and art(in the vids I links, specifically anime)-and I have a great love for both(maybe Japanese advertising holds a job position for me?) Or game art is definitely a want for me =/. I WAS more interested in child psychiatry, but I can't see my short-temper helping anyone. =(

And...that's about it. I'mma go through my TEMPLE UNIVERSITY JAPAN CAMPUS AIRMAIL/PRINTED MATTER now =3 (so cool!)