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I'm Typing with a Sock Puppet, Bitch!!

Thu Apr 9, 2009, 11:04 PM

* Mood: Lonely
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic"-Ikimono Gikari...rep
* Eating: I threw up half my lunch today =(

Yup, it's true. I'm typing with my sock puppet Yes-I dug him up, so now he's typing for me with twitching lips =D

ANYWAY, I still can't eat as much...and I realized how lonely I am now. I got so used to doing things every weekend cuz I had a boyfriend. Now that he's out, it's like..."what now?" No definite plans on weekends and no phone calls to be expected. Aileen and I were talking about this today after school; her boyfriend's in a different country and I don't have one, so we were talking about how weekends aren't as fun since we never really go out with friends, even though we'd love to.

Now it's emptier, quieter, and lonelier: to the point where I start talking to Yes again. But sock puppets, especially ones with mismatching(1 big green and 1 puny red) buttons, make everything funnier and better. But once you stop the conversation, you realize how pathetic you sounded =(

Do you get moments when you're overflowing with inspiration, but you're not able to write them down? That happened to me today several times-then when I could finally get them down, I couldn't bring myself to draw them out...I need a new sketchbook.

Ok, that's about it-my dad is yelling at me to get off the computer and Yes is prolly gonna be mad at him for making him type even this much. G'night, chaps

What does food really taste like?

Thu Apr 9, 2009, 12:05 AM

* Mood: Pain
* Listening to: "Kimagure Romantic"-Ikimono Gikari
* Eating: more like regurgitating =(

I haven't eaten a substantial meal for a while now. This started last weekish-I first lost my appetite. Then slowly I started to withdraw from food cuz it started to make me feel sick after I ate. Now, just the thought of food makes me want to throw up and almost anything I put in my mouth I end up spitting out because I can't swallow it-my gag reflex gets in the way. I've been eating mainly apples because they go down easier than anything else. I can't get a good night's sleep either-four hours tops. I stayed home from school yesterday because I had a painful headache and I felt like I was gonna throw up(I threw up a little after trying to eat cereal). So I went to sleep for a couple more hours, tried to eat again but it didn't happen, slept some more. The try-eating-then-sleep thing was repeated all of yesterday, with random emotional break downs in between. Am I transforming into an emo? Do butterflies go through this? Am I turning into a cutter-fly?? *shot* Nah, I'm not a cutter. I just hope none of this has anything to do with my now ex-boyfriend. That'd be pretty stupid if it were-he shouldn't affect my biological needs. The crying maybe, but that's gone(I think), but my food? I love my food. I miss my food. Can I have some food? Oh, wait, nevermind; don't wanna throw up on y'all. =/
So, have any of you gone through this before? D'you know how to fix it? I don't want to shrivel up and die yet. I'll do that when I'm, like, 100yrs old. =P
