The Blood of Rizel prt 1

He narrowed his eyes at her sarcasm. “Everyone was staring in there.. Do you realize the stigma that could follow you for that one little act? If your father was here….” He was trying not to shout but she could hear that he wanted to, from the force of his voice.

“I danced with you.” She protested. He threw up his hands turning away from her.

“That was bad enough, but it was the way you danced with him. I would rather you danced with the prince like that.” He turned on her a few feet away. “Now everyone will think you’re interested in him!” He almost shouted that one but then pulled back at the last moment making his voice shake.

Lilly wasn’t about to stand there and talk about who she was or wasn’t interested in, so she crossed her arms. “So what danger is coming?” He blinked, taken aback by her sudden change in subject. “Gavel told me there was danger coming and that he wished me to be safe.” She continued trying to get him to talk about it.

He pinched the bridge of his nose like he did when he was severely strained. “It’s not definite, but it’s possible that Alura……hold on don’t do that.” He said shaking form her turn of subjects.

“It’s useless to argue with you when my personal life isn’t your business.” She maintained hating the fact he saw through her ruse.

He mouthed her words as if he didn’t understand them at first. “I thought you said you weren’t getting married.” He said trying to win the argument with a shift form head on attack to come around form the back. Normally she loved to banter with him, it was one of her favorite things to do. For some reason she could always get under his skin and make him argue with her. But in that moment she only cared about what danger was coming and didn’t want to think about being interested in any man, which by the way she wasn’t. But she hated the fact he was trying to control her choices.